Friday, 14 August 2015

The Importance of Anemometers for Sports

Anemometers were originally designed for the sole purpose of helping meteorologists predict weather patterns, as well as reporting wind speed and wind pressure. While this remains the anemometer’s primary function, they have discovered many other uses for it. Among these uses include making sure that a tall building structure is safe by checking the wind speed and finding out if it is safe to fly planes. Thanks to the more portable, handheld models, these are even used at the home. very common use for these types of devices is for sports. For sports where wind is a huge factor, this can help determine wind speed to see how the wind will affect how the game will play. For instance, in a sport like football where wind is so crucial to play, this can help the teams determine which side to play on in order to take advantage of the wind direction and speed. This can also help determine the willingness to throw long balls during certain parts of the game or deciding whether or not you should attempt that game altering field goal from that distance.

Golf is also a sport that is heavily dependent on knowing the speed and direction of the wind. This can help the golfer determine which club to use, as well as helping them calculate the direction of their hit or how hard to hit the ball. If the wind is going against the golfer, they will want to hit the ball harder whereas if the wind is going with the golfer they may not want to hit it as hard. The standard regular person playing golf may consider investing in a handheld anemometer in order to help them with these measurements and calculations in order to really be at the top of their golfing game.
Standard anemometers are very large and not meant to be carried around, which is why it is great that handheld anemometers now exist. One particular model is the handheld anemometer RVM 96B-1, which is created by Ames. This model was specifically designed for the purpose of portability, being a lightweight but incredibly durable product that is made with anodized aluminum and ball bearings. This gives this product all the durability it needs for it to be a quality and trustworthy product. The longer battery life is amazing for on the go usage, and auto powers-off in order to preserve battery life.
This particular model allows the user to be able to measure wind speeds in m/s, km/h, knots, or mph, depending on their preferences. It offers a built-in electronic compass and a type calibrated in wind tunnel. It has a vane and circular scale as part of its mechanical system, which is how this device measures the direction of the wind.
A handheldanemometer is perfect for usage out on the sports field. This is a useful tool for golfers to have in their bags, or for any other sport that is absolutely dependent on wind speed. This is a wise investment that even the at-home sports enthusiast can enjoy.