Monday, 6 March 2017

Hand-held Anemometer

The Ames Handheld Anemometer RVM 96B-1 is a personal anemometer for pretty much any situation where wind speed is an important factor. At 275mm tall and weighing only 0.5kg it is lightweight and practical. With it's illuminated LC wind speed display, long battery life and optional  RS 232 data transmission it is suitable for all kinds of fieldwork; be it checking for wind safety on a construction site or assessing safety at sea.

The RVM 96B-1 comes with its own 3kg transport and storage case and so can be kept in the trunk of a car at all times, ready for use by the professional engineer or construction site professional. It is also a useful tool for emergency services such as the Coastguard or Fire Service: when it's important for the safety of your crew to know how strong the wind force is and from which direction, what better than to have a handheld anemometer such as the RVM 96B-1 within easy reach? It will measure the wind speed in 1 second intervals with its 3 cup Robinsons Cross and optoelectronic sensors, providing accurate readings within plus or minus 0.5 m/s while the built in electronic compass and wind vane with circular scale enable the user to plot wind direction within plus or minus 5 degrees.
The RVM 96B-1 also has a military application in the plotting of ordinance trajectories and parachute landing zones. Solidly constructed with Anodised Aluminium the RVM 96B-1 can be taken into any environment with confidence. It can also be attached to any standard photographic tripod for use in trickier terrains.

Not only is the RVM 96B-1 an invaluable tool for industry and the services but it is a vital tool for use in sports events. Wind surfers, javelin or hammer throwers, even serious kite flyers could all benefit from being able to assess safe parameters within which to participate in their given activities. Golf courses, cricket clubs and any other activities which involve launching projectiles into the air can now have a light weight, easy to use accessory to the sport which enables organisers to assess with confidence the safety of play in windy conditions. Sailing clubs and yachtsmen can have an additional item in their equipment lists to easily and accurately monitor prevailing sea conditions.

Finally the RVM 96B-1 is an essential tool for mobile weather stations and geographical expeditions working in extreme environments. Easily carried in a kit bag, battery operated and suitable for use in all conditions the RVM 96B-1 can operate at temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees centigrade and as high as 40 degrees centigrade and has a battery life of seventy hours.

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